Thursday, September 17, 2015

vlog - UKIGUMO

working on typing up another game rec. provided things go smoothly, it should be up this month. in the meantime, it's been a while since i had a vlog, hasn't it?

while i'm not too big on most chiptune bands or musicians, there are a couple of higedriver's tracks i do like. their soundcloud can be found here. they mostly do remixes of other songs, though they have a few original tunes as well, one of which is UKIGUMO above.

there's another video featuring the song, but this is my favorite out of the two. a cute little yarn about a fox and a girl he loves. the video was created by artist kitsuneiro, who has a wonderful selection of spritework and drawn artwork and sketches on their twitter and pixiv. go check either out if you want; they do some really nice works. O:

Friday, September 11, 2015


so uh, guess who's nearly done with setting up his game/ROM library on his computer and PSP.

additionally, guess who's going to try to get his ass in gear on getting this place going again now that said game-library-setting-up is almost finished.


so yeah, i have quite a bit of catching up to do on getting this crap finished, though i'm likely going to be shelving some of the older article drafts from '14. despite this being my entire draft folder, i've been thinking about writing some other articles and game recommends and miscellaneous junk, including possibly doing a picture-and-text Let's Play of a PS2 game i've gotten my paws on recently. which may also be a MAKAIPUNK thing. and no, it's not Disgaea.

can't guarantee any of these will pop up super-quickly, but we'll see. workload isn't too bad now (granted most of it was sorting through ROM crap), so i should get something up this month, if not this week.

and uh... i'll see what i can do about getting another chapter of the Disgaea manga readthrough up at some point. .w.

anyhow, catch you all soon~ stay rad, everyone.