Tuesday, November 17, 2015

gen's thoughts - Disgaea PC? Disgaea PC.

okay i know it's going to be a while before this game gets released and get the funds to play it but shut up let me gush

caught word on my steam activity feed that several of my steammates joined a "Disgaea PC" community group. i initially thought it was just a fanmade pc adaptation of the adorably demonic strategy rpg, but nope. it's an official game group, and it wasn't long until i found the steam page for the game, too. come February of next year, the first game in Nippon Ichi Software's Disgaea series will see release on Steam.

already said some stuff about the Disgaea series last year for the first part of my Disgaea manga review thing, so i'll leave that alone. though, uh... i should at least get back to that readthrough at some point. outside of being a port of the first Disgaea game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Disgaea PC will include all content from the Afternoon of Darkness PSP rerelease, as well as enhanced textures, an updated UI, keyboard/mouse and controller support, steam achievements, and cloud saves amongst other features they didn't bother to list on the steam page. there'll also be steam trading cards that players can craft into badges to show off on their profile, as well as get some nifty emoticons and backgrounds out of it alongside coupons that they'll probably never use.

that's pretty much the gist of it from what i can gather off the steam page. though why is this titled with "gen's thoughts" instead of MAKAIPUNK? and maybe it should've been titled STEAMPUNK instead?

well, i kinda got a couple thoughts concerning this rerelease, and really, i kinda keep MAKAIPUNK focused on the more doofy-yet-informational NIS stuff. as for STEAMPUNK, this isn't a review of a steam game. so yeah.

anyhow, more wordy thoughts under the cut.