Thursday, July 16, 2015

crashin' some castles

thought i might plug this since i gotta step up my game on keeping this place updated. also hey guys i was part of a rad thing.

P-Stream (the P stands for "Power"!) is a Twitch stream ran by Sam, one of my pals who also does some nifty voicework and a p fun comic. the stream's been going on usually every sunday, though it's on its season finale now, with this episode done on the 12th of this month. me, Sam, and another pal named Pat played and streamed some Castle Crashers that day. we also played some Pokemon Black, but that unfortunately isn't shown because Sam's recording software really didn't want to cooperate with Desmume.

despite the little technical difficulties, we had a huge blast! next part of the finale should be streamed next Sunday on the 19th; Sam'll likely be playing Pokemon G/S/C in honor of Satoru Iwata's excellent help on the game. bless his soul, whereever he is now. also might be hopping in myself that day!

twitch stream can be found here, and you can also follow Sam on twitter for updates on when they'll go live! seriously, they're a cool dude.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

gen's daily life - 20 + 1

so uh, i'm 21 now. not much i can say outside of the whole "wow i've matured quite a lot since i was 10" stuff i said last time.

i'm still on hiatus, but i figured i should post an update, just for the sake of the occasion and to let anyone who actually frequents this place know what i've been up to lately. doesn't mean there'll any new posts or feature stuff immediately after this, but it might give insight on some stuff that i might do writeups on. fingers crossed, bruhs.

mostly kinda been focusing on compiling a gameboy library (GB, GBC, and GBA games) for both my own computer and PSP. mostly the PSP since i've kinda been focused on getting a general sizeable game library of games on it; not just for PSP/PS1 games but also other older consoles that can be emulated on it as well. shame that running N64 games on it is out of the question, though.

outside of that, i've been expanding my physical game library as well. dad managed to fetch a classic Xbox at the game store close by us, so not only do i have all three 6th-gen consoles now (okay, i don't have a Gamecube anymore, but the Wii can at least run GC games), but it def opens up another selection of old stuff i'll be able to play. like Jet Set Radio Future. aw yeh. though considering how slow things have been going on here this year, don't expect it coming too fast.

i've still been doing stuff like drawing and some small side-stuff just so i don't slip out of practice with them. haven't done any polished artworks, but at least doodling has been keeping me from being rusty. couple of them can be seen on my twitter if you wish.

not a whole lot of eventful things happening on my end, but at least i've been keeping myself preoccupied, even if not heavily productive as far as this site is concerned. something might pop up on here sooner or later, but i wouldn't hold my breath on it. if you wanna keep in touch with me and get to know when the next important thinger gets posted here, you can follow me on twitter and plurk! of course i also ramble a lot on there (mostly twitter), but i'm game for answering questions or just friendly chatting.

oh yeah, in other news before i head off, i got a site. might replace the old makaipunk/jetsetkokoro tumblr contact hub with this soon, especially since tumblr's HTML editor is really iffy to work with.