hi there! i go by quite a few names on the web, most notably gensou ichida or kokorogensou, alongside some others. you're free to just call me gen, though!
keeping things simple, i'm a bloke who likes a whole bunch of things: video games of all sorts, various fantasy-oriented media, game development, cheesetastic/bad/great cartoons and films, artwork and drawing, writing and roleplay, manga and anime, and... well, probably a bunch of other stuff i forgot to mention.
so what exactly is this site about? well, pretty much a lot of the things i mentioned above! i do reviews and recommendations of various games (though more detailed reviews will probably be for pc games and 80s/90s console titles since i can get my paws on them more easily), exposes on media of various sorts, sometimes some game projects and graphic things of mine, occasional opinion stuff, and some other things not mentioned as well! there may be some personal-life stuff from time to time, but i'll be keeping that to a minimum.
anyhow, i hope you enjoy your stay here! if you want to send me feedback or follow me on other places or whatever, check out my contact page!