Saturday, June 18, 2016

"soon (tm)" exists for a reason

so uh, first part of the Soul Nomad playthrough writeup is going a bit slow due to things i honestly didn't count on my end.

that being the steam summer sale and camera convenience.

probably gonna try to squeeze more content in the first part of the playthrough, but we'll see how it goes. compiling stuff from each couple of sessions in each part instead of writing as i go, for the sake of convenience. i'm still fairly early in the game, so there isn't a bevy of stuff to talk about outside of storystuff and my own thoughts.

but yeah, just bear with me a while longer. though, if you're one of the few longtime followers of the site, there's probably a good chance you already are. bless you so much for your patience. i'm trying my best. <3

Saturday, June 4, 2016

gen does Soul Nomad - gen ichida vs. the world (eaters)

so in lieu of the radio silence last month, aaaaand me getting kind of salty about the traffic crap i had to deal with in the last post, i think it's time for a bit of fun this summer.

things on my end seemed to have slowed down, so outside of practicing traditional drawing stuff and the frequent twitter activity, not a whole lot's been going on lately. and since i'd rather not sit here and do nothing while waiting for stuff like my birthday on July 8, Steam's summer sale, and Starbound's soon-ish 1.0 release, let's get things trucking on here again.

after mulling out how might probably roll with it, i'll be starting the Soul Nomad playthrough fairly soon. mostly will be doing it as a post-play commentary writeup since writing my thoughts on here while i play would end up being a bit cumbersome. i will be taking photos and even livetweeting bits on my twitter, but the more wordy thoughts will be reserved for after play sessions.

as for the playthrough itself, i'll be going in semi-blind. i have seen Soul Nomad's cutscenes a few times in the past, so i'm aware what goes on in the story. as far as gameplay goes, i only have a vague idea of how it works from reading the manual and bits of the strategy guide, and it's a radical change from Disgaea's gameplay. so yeah, settling into SN's gameplay will take some time.

also, don't expect entries to pop up too frequently on here. pretty sure you guys have come to expect it, but it takes a while for me to type this stuff out on here. though, for the impatient folks, you can check out my twitter for my less-than-140-characters-commentary and lowres screencaps while i play the game. amongst other things.

so yeah, pretty much how things will be going for the playthrough, but of course i can't end it off here. so what the heck is this game all about, and why'd i choose to play it?

dear Google/Blogger/Blogspot/whatever

far from me to call your staff being on par with how bad Twitter and especially Tumblr's site team seem to be but uh

if you guys haven't even made an attempt to even migitate this sort of traffic bloat then we might have a bit of a problem. and i don't think the switch to HTTPS or connecting my site Google Analytics even helped a little with solving this.

please fix this.

with love, gen ichida <3