Saturday, May 23, 2015

cfw for days

so uh. yeah, unexpected hiatus. or maybe expected, with how slow things have been going here. i ended up getting my psp a bit earlier than expected. which means that blogspot stuff maaaaaay be coming even more slowly than expected.

well, on the plus side, i may be able to review PSP gamestuff at some point if that's anything to look forward too. i don't think you have any idea how much i've been wanting to play Makai Kingdom Portable.

if anyone still wants to get in touch with me and listen to my ramblings, twitter and plurk are your best bets!

Monday, May 11, 2015

jukebox - Fireworks Factory (Spyro: Year of the Dragon)

there will be a day when i'll write something on the Spyro games. that day isn't today, but at the very least i can show off one of the tracks from the PS1 Spyro trilogy.

without going into much detail, the PS1 Spyro games are a wonderful little set of collectathon platformers with fun challenges and colorful environments. they also have a pretty kickarse soundtrack that still holds up today, composed by former The Police drummer Stewart Copeland. Ryan Beveridge composed a few tracks for the third game in the series (Spyro: Year of the Dragon) as well.

if i made jukebox posts for all my favorite tracks out of the trilogy, i'd probably end up with around 40 of them cluttering the site, so have this one. also, the Spyro trilogy happens to be on the Playstation Network store for six bucks per game if you wanna pick up the series on your Playstation Portable or PS3 (but not PSVita for some reason. damn it, Sony).