Saturday, May 31, 2014

site updates are for dweebs

so since i'm a complete dweeb, i added a donation button to the sidebar. still working on a page for the redbubble and society6 stores, though i should probably make some designs before i get that up.

also should get to writing some more on this blog. probably either going to do a writeup on a hilariously-dubbed anime or a cancelled n64 game with a cult following. either way, we'll see.

Monday, May 19, 2014

gen's daily life - den of a fenn

apologies for the lack of updates. been kind of busy with some renovation stuff, alongside other things.

well, on the topic of the renovation stuff, family's been working on getting a getting a new room set up for me; sort of a mix of a personal bedroom and an entertainment station, as well as a work area for computer stuff and traditional drawing (hopefully i'll get to the latter thing sometime this year once i find the scanner.).

honestly nice to have a more personalized space for relaxation and goofery. been in the older bedspace for a little over two years, and it just kept getting more constrained as time went on; a tv i used for gaming got removed so i couldn't play anything on it, my desk setup was absolutely awful for drawing on paper, and my bed was kind of sandwiched between a cabinet set and the wall. i've only ever really used my old bedroom for sleeping and the computer.

now that i've got settled into the new room, i can do quite a bit more than i did in the old room. hopefully that means working on some things for the blog amongst other things.

might be a while, but i can assure you guys i'm not dead!

photos of the new room are under the cut for those curious.