after roughly two weeks of work, i've gotten this place up and running!
i've been meaning to get a blogspot up and running since last year, but posts went rather slow since i felt the old blog was too confined to a purpose (it was mostly a game review blog). hopefully this one goes out better since it'll be a bit more freeform so i can blog about whatever i wish. i will do some game reviews though, alongside other things!
mostly trying to migrate to here from tumblr as well; there are some good blogs on tumblr, don't get me wrong, but the toxic environment and faulty customization kind of turn me off from it. plus it doesn't really seem like a fitting place for more lengthy commentary-like things.
so yeah, long story short, hopefully i can get to do some more fun stuff here and share a bit of my interests with people. hope you all enjoy! expect some stuff coming up in the very near future!